YouTubers disrupt Just Stop Oil meetings and protests: ‘Just Stop P–sing Everyone Off’

The radical climate organization Just Stop Oil faced a disruption of its own courtesy of British YouTubers Josh & Archie on Sunday.

In a video posted to Josh & Archie’s channel, the two explained that they had planted a mole within the climate group’s ranks to keep track of their upcoming events. One included an invitation to what appeared to be a party inside a church to celebrate Just Stop Oil’s achievements.

Using the mole and other infiltrators, Josh & Archie’s team tied rape alarms to balloons and released them in the party, blasting a loud noise throughout the event.

Additional footage from the prank showed Just Stop Oil members attempting to reach the balloons using ladders.


“I’m sure they’re probably paid by the Daily Mail, and they’ve left us with a very difficult problem to solve,” a woman could be heard saying.

The video also showed Josh & Archie criticizing the group for supposedly hosting a party celebrating their achievements while appearing to reluctantly take part in disruptive protests.

“Because their whole thing is ‘we don’t want to do this.’ Like ‘we’re really sorry we’re disrupting you but we have to because of the planet.’ You don’t have to have a party. That’s not helping. I don’t think having a party is helping,” Josh said.

“It’s helping them. They’re spending their funds on it,” Archie replied.

Just Stop Oil responded to the video on Twitter writing, “We thoroughly enjoyed Josh & Archie’s prank yesterday. Great action design — nonviolent and ever so slightly disruptive. Their faith in democracy is touching, but the climate crisis needs urgent action today — we simply don’t have time to wait for a new government. Nonetheless, we wish them luck in their endeavour to bring people together, and hope they know that we are always happy to talk.”

Just Stop Oil has been behind what many consider to be extreme protests in order to bring awareness to climate change. Most notably, members of the group march and block traffic on public roads, causing major public backlash and even violent confrontations.

A few days prior to the video, Josh & Archie created a counter-protest against Just Stop Oil by gathering volunteers to circle the protesters and prevent them from marching in the streets. Volunteers also wore similar orange shirts using the slogan “Just Stop P*ssing Everyone Off.”


Just Stop Oil’s website featured a press release on the counter-protest, noting that it mostly consisted of polite discourse. 

“I’d like to see how long you are willing to stand there, because this is great for us, we’re having conversations and I think it’s been so beneficial this morning being able to meet with some of you lovely people and have these conversations with you, and for us to find out why we’re here and why you’re here, because believe me we are the ordinary people and we have the power. The only thing that needs to happen now is we need to connect the dots and join together,” one Just Stop Oil member said.

Josh & Archie’s video emphasized that the team is still supportive of climate change causes despite disagreeing with Just Stop Oil’s methods.


“Climate change requires a solution. It is the greatest crisis facing our generation. But standing in the road infuriating ordinary people and hosting parties isn’t working. Surely if we’re to tackle this gigantic problem effectively, we need to unite as a planet, bring people from across the globe together and ensure that we can come up with the solutions needed to secure Earth’s future for us all,” the video closed.