Wedding conducted with only eight guests due to lockdown

MP: Man flees after marrying 2 women in 5 days


Amid the lockdown, a marriage was solemnised at the Ayyappan Temple here on Sunday in a simple way, with just eight guests.

The date for the marriage was fixed four months ago, even before the coronavirus attack and the elders decided to go ahead though in a simple manner.

The lockdown and the spread of COVID-19 took the joy out of the ceremony.

However, both the bride’s and the bridegroom’s parents decided to hold the wedding on the fixed date and solemnised the wedding on at the temple.

While bridegroom P Ramesh hails from Tirupur, the bride K V Gayatri is from the city.

The district administration had granted permission for four people from each side to participate in the wedding, a close relative from the bride’s side said.