Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday held video-conferencing with 1.63 lakh BJP booth heads and asked them to apprise people of the Pradhan Mantri Gareeb Kalyan package, a statement issued by the UP government said.
The chief minister also asked party workers to apprise people of various announcements made by the state government related to precautions and preventive measures against the coronavirus spread.
Adityanath also asked party workers keep a tab on people returning from other states to their native places and make available their details to local district administration so that they can be properly monitored.
The chief minister also asked the party’s booth presidents to provide food to 10 poor people everyday.
“One food packet should be prepared from each household, and food be given to 10 needy and poor people,” he said.
Ending his conversation with party workers, Adityanath also asked them to work on the call given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi ‘Corona Haaregaa, Bharat Jitegaa’ (Corona will lose, India will win), and involve themselves in serving the humanity.