UK care home providers upset with PM’s comments

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Care home providers are disappointed and frustrated after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson accused some homes of not properly following procedures during the COVID-19 crisis.

Mark Adams, chief executive of the charity Community Integrated Care, took exception with Johnson’s comments, calling them “clumsy and cowardly.” Johnson said Monday: “We discovered too many care homes didn’t really follow the procedures in the way that they could have, but we’re learning lessons the whole time.”

Adams told the BBC that if this were genuinely Johnson’s view, the country is entering an “alternative reality where the government set the rules, we follow them and they don’t like the results and they then deny setting the rules and blame the people that were trying to do their best.” The Office of National Statistics says nearly 20,000 deaths of care home residents in England and Wales have involved COVID-19.

Many care homes say they lacked protective equipment and clear guidelines, particularly in the early stages of the pandemic.(AP)