Trump pushes back against Michelle Obama speech

Will Trump's mishandling of records leave a hole in history?


President Donald Trump is pushing back against former first lady Michelle Obama, claiming that her husband’s Oval Office performance is what catapulted him into the White House.

In her remarks Monday night at the Democratic National Convention, Mrs. Obama declared Trump was “in over his head” and the “wrong president for our country.” In tweets Tuesday morning Trump taunted that someone should explain to her that he wouldn’t be in the “beautiful White House” today if it “weren’t for the job done by her husband,” President Barack Obama.

He also criticised the Obamas for making a “late and unenthusiastic endorsement” of Joe Biden. And in other tweets, Trump criticized Obama and Biden’s handling of the H1N1 swine flu in 2009 and claimed, without evidence, that the Obama administration was the most corrupt in history. Trump ended with a sarcastic thanks to Michelle Obama for her “very kind words.”