Trump is ‘poor leader’, I don’t pay much attention to his tweets: Pelosi

Pelosi likely speaker again, but might require high-wire act


Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday that she does not pay much attention to the tweets being posted by President Donald Trump and accused him of being a “poor leader.”

“Frankly, I don’t pay that much attention to the president’s tweets against me. As I’ve said, he’s a poor leader. He’s always trying to avoid responsibility and assign blame, Pelosi told ABC’s This Week during an interview.

She was responding to a question about a series of tweets against her by Trump in the last 48 hours.

In his tweets, Trump levelled a series of allegations against the powerful Congresswoman calling her weak and crazy, away on vacation during the coronavirus crisis. He also accused her of costing Americans jobs by blocking new funds for the Paycheck Protection Program.

The Trump Administration, Pelosi alleged, has failed in the handling the coronavirus crisis.

“If he continues to predicate the action that we take on a false premise, then we’re in further danger and his earlier delay and denial caused deaths. So it’s very important that we walk the line that is close to evidence, data, science, as we go forward and not whimsy, magic hoax allegations and placing blame instead of taking responsibility, she asserted.

“We’ll go over all of that. Except he was drawing strength in his own view of what his falsehoods were gaining him and we cannot — we cannot fight a pandemic. We cannot open up to our economy based on falsehoods, Pelosi said.

Appearing on “State of the Union” on Sunday talk show on CNN, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that the economy might not open unless there is more testing. We will not be able to get the economy going full-fledged unless we have testing, he said.

“We have examples: South Korea, I think they had a case, one day, the first case was within a day of each other in the US and South Korea, the first case. But they did just what we’re calling for. They did a massive increase in the number of tests. They did contact tracing. And now South Korea is way over the hump. We must do the same thing for the good of the health of America and the good of the economy, Schumer said.

The number of the coronavirus cases in the US crossed 700,000 on Friday, while over 39,000 people have died from the disease.