Trump campaign dubs Harris as ‘morally and intellectually bankrupt’

Will get COVID-19 under control by listening to experts: Kamala Harris


Launching a frontal attack on Indian-origin Senator Kamala Harris, the Trump campaign has dubbed the Democratic vice-presidential nominee as “morally and intellectually bankrupt”. Democratic presidential nominee 77-year-old Joe Biden on Tuesday named 55-year-old Harris as his vice-presidential running mate, making history by selecting the first Black woman to compete on a major party’s presidential ticket. “Not only is Kamala morally and intellectually bankrupt, she is a phony,” alleged Kimberly Guilfoyle, national chair of Trump Victory Finance Committee, who is considered to be the most powerful individual in the Trump campaign.

Born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, California Senator Harris is the first ever black to be selected for a vice presidential position by either of the two major political parties — the Democratic and the Republican. She is also the first ever Indian-American and African-American to be nominated for the second highest elected office in the US. “The American people saw right through her in the Democratic primaries, and they will see through her on Election Day when they vote to re-elect President Trump,” Guilfoyle said on Thursday.

Harris herself was a presidential aspirant until last year before she dropped out of the race because of lack of popular support. After months of campaigning, she was polling in low single digits, forcing her to drop off from the Democratic primary race. Months later she endorsed Biden. “Without a doubt, Americans’ lives would change for the worse under a Biden-Harris presidency,” said Lara Trump, Trump 2020 Senior Advisor. “While Biden and Harris want to ‘fundamentally transform’ America – which essentially translates to making America a socialist nation – President Trump will always put our country first and fight to preserve the freedoms of the American people,” said the daughter-in-law of the US president.

According to Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, Harris has been one of the “least effective” senators in US history and her record of failure will finally be exposed now that she has attached herself to Biden. “President Trump has delivered historic success for our country and Americans want leaders with proven records of results, not far-left politicians who have been part of the problem for over forty years,” she said. Katrina Pierson, Trump 2020 Senior Advisor, said Biden’s selection of Harris is just another “ruse to distract voters from his sexist, racist record” that has followed him around for his “nearly 50 years of failed career”. “The mainstream media will try as hard as they can to cover up Biden and Harris’ radical agenda, but the American people will not be fooled into voting to bring socialism into our great nation,” she said.

Mercedes Schlapp, Trump 2020 Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications, said Biden’s handlers continue to hide him in the basement and are frightened by the possibility of an additional debate with Trump because they know he will expose himself for the complete failure he is. “Biden’s campaign has been lackluster from the beginning, and adding a radical, socialist to the ticket won’t help. The American people’s enthusiasm for President Trump has never been stronger, and that will show on Election Day,” she claimed. In a fundraising email to his supporters on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence said by selecting Harris as his running mate, Biden and his party have been overtaken by the radical Left.

“Given their promises of higher taxes, open borders, socialised medicine and abortion on demand, it’s no surprise he chose Senator Harris, she is weak on crime and refuses to put America first,” he alleged. “From the very first day of this administration, President Trump has set our nation on a path to freedom and opportunity. Biden and Harris would set America on the path of SOCIALISM and DECLINE,” Pence wrote. Meanwhile, jointly appearing in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday to make their election case for the first time as running mates, Biden said his pick for the party’s vice presidential nominee is “smart, tough and a proven fighter for the country’s middle class”.

“She knows how to make the hard calls. She’s ready to do this job on day one. And we’re both ready to get to work rebuilding this nation and building a better,” he said. Biden noted that Trump has already started his attacks, calling Harris nasty, whining about how she is.

“It’s not a surprise because whining is what Donald Trump does best, better than any president in American history,” the former US vice president said. Harris said President Trump’s mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic has plunged Americans into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. “We are experiencing a moral reckoning with racism and systemic injustice that has brought a new coalition of conscience to the streets of our country demanding change. America is crying out for leadership,” she said, adding, “This is a moment of real consequence for America”.