Tobacco Still Leading Cause of Cancer, say Experts 

Tobacco Still Leading Cause of Cancer, say Experts 

By Aditya Vikram Singh:

Tobacco smoking is the practice of burning tobacco and inhaling the smoke (consisting of particle and gaseous phases). A more broad definition may include simply taking tobacco smoke into the mouth, and then releasing it,  as is done by some with tobacco pipes and cigars.

The practice was believed to have begun as early as 5,000-3,000 BC. Tobacco was introduced to Eurasia in the late 17th century where it followed common trade routes.

The practice encountered  criticism from its first import into the western world onwards, but it embedded itself in certain strata of a number of societies before becoming widespread upon the introduction of automated cigarette-rolling apparatus.

German scientists identified a link between smoking and lung cancer   in the late 1920s, leading to the first anti-smoking campaign in modern history, albeit one truncated by the collapse of Nazi Germany at the end of the World War II.

In 1950, British researchers demonstrated a clear relationship between smoking and cancer.

Evidence continued to mount in the 1980s, which prompted political action against the practice. Rates of consumption since 1965 in the developed world have either peaked or declined. However, they continue to climb in the developing world.

Smoking is the most common method of consuming tobacco and tobacco is the most common substance smoked.  The agricultural product is often mixed with additives and then combusted. The resulting smoke is then inhaled and the active substance absorbed through the alveoli in the lungs. Combustion was traditionally enhanced by addition of potassium or other nitrates. Many substances in cigarettes smoke trigger chemical reactions in nerve endings, which heighten heart rate, alertness, and reaction time among other things.

Dopamine and endorphin are released, which are often associated with pleasure. As of 2008-2010, tobacco is used by about 49 per cent of men and 11 percent of women aged 15, or older. In low-income and middle income countries like Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Mexico Philippines, Poland, Russia, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay and Vietnam, with about 80 per cent of this usage in the form of smoking. The gender gap tends to be less pronounced in lower age groups.

Many smokers begin during adolescence or early adulthood. During the early stages, a combination of perceived   pleasure acting as positive reinforcement and desire to respond to social peer  pressure may offset the unpleasant symptoms of initial use, which typically include nausea and coughing. After an individual has smoked for some years, the avoidance of withdrawal symptoms and negative reinforcement become the key motivations to continue.

In a study conducted by Jennifer O’Loughlin and colleagues, first smoking experiences of seventh grade students were studied. They found out that the most common factor leading students to smoke is cigarettes advertisements. Smoking by parents, siblings and friends also encourage students to smoke, said Dr B Paul, at KNMH, Prayagraj.

(Author Aditya Vikram Singh is a senior journalist currently associated with Democratic Accent. The author has extensive experience in Health beat and has previously worked with reputed groups such as Indian Express and Hindustan Times.)