A terrorist hideout was busted in a remote village in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday, leading to the recovery of a huge cache of arms and ammunition, officials said. The hideout was unearthed during the course of a joint search operation by police and the Rashtriya Rifles in Dardasan village of the Thanamandi area, the officials said. They said the recoveries made from the hideout included two Chinese pistols with two magazines, an Under Barrel Grenade Launcher (UBGL) with 11 rifle grenades, 14 magazines of AK assault rifle with 920 rounds and a Chinese hand grenade
A large quantity of material used in the making of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), including batteries and wires, was also seized from the hideout, the officials said. However, no one was arrested in connection with the recovery so far, the officials said.