
Biden: Strikes in Syria sent warning to Iran to ‘be careful’

8:58 am February 27, 2021

Washington: President Joe Biden said Friday that Iran should view his decision to authorize US airstrikes in Syria as a warning that it can expect consequences for its support of militia groups that threaten US interests or personnel. “You can’t act with impunity. Be careful,” Biden said when a reporter asked what message he had intended to send with the airstrikes, which the Pentagon said […]

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Power failure: How a winter storm pushed Texas into crisis

11:50 pm February 21, 2021

Austin: Two days before the storm began, Houston’s chief elected official warned her constituents to prepare as they would for a major hurricane. Many took heed: Texans who could stocked up on food and water, while non-profits and government agencies set out to help those who couldn’t. But few foresaw the fiasco that was to come. They […]

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COVID conspiracy shows vast reach of Chinese disinformation

COVID conspiracy shows vast reach of Chinese disinformation

12:18 pm February 15, 2021

Brussels: It took just three months for the rumor that COVID-19 was engineered as a bioweapon to spread from the fringes of the Chinese internet and take root in millions of people’s minds. By March 2020, belief that the virus had been human-made and possibly weaponized was widespread, multiple surveys indicated. The Pew Research Center found, for […]

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Donald Trump set to return to the spotlight with CPAC speech

Fight over witnesses could delay Trump trial conclusion

10:57 pm February 13, 2021

Washington: Senators have voted to consider hearing from witnesses in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump. The vote could potentially extend proceedings that had been expected to end with a vote on Saturday. A last-minute fight over calling witnesses threatened to slow the speedy conclusion of Donald Trump’s historic impeachment trial Saturday as the Senate moved closer to a […]

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Democrats pushing Biden’s COVID-19 bill through House panels

3:22 pm February 12, 2021

Washington : Democrats pushed half of President Joe Biden’s USD 1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan through a House committee Thursday, advancing USD 1,400 payments for millions of Americans and other initiatives that Republicans call too costly, economically damaging and brazenly partisan. The Ways and Means Committee approved its USD 940 billion chunk of Biden’s proposal on a 25-18 party-line vote, highlighting a frenzied […]

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