
President Donald Trump says US troops ‘largely out’ of Syria region

Trump ordered aid frozen; more Democrats want impeachment

9:20 pm September 24, 2019

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump ordered his staff to freeze nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine a few days before a phone call in which he pressured the Eastern European nation’s leader to investigate the family of political rival Joe Biden, a revelation that comes as more Democrats move toward impeachment proceedings. Trump, in remarks to […]

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Will provide citizenship to 11 million people if voted to power; says Biden

Whistleblower complaint: Biden critical of Trump for urging Ukraine probe

5:08 am September 21, 2019

Washington: Former Vice President Joe Biden decryed reports that President Donald Trump urged the president of Ukraine to look into his son’s business dealings there. Biden says in a statement that if the reports are true, “Then there is truly no bottom to President Trump’s willingness to abuse his power and abase our country.” Biden […]

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President Donald Trump says US troops ‘largely out’ of Syria region

Trump defends himself against whistleblower complaint

9:51 pm September 20, 2019

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump repeatedly defended himself Friday against an intelligence whistleblower’s potentially explosive complaint, including an allegation of wrongdoing in a reported private conversation Trump had with a foreign leader. The complaint, which the administration has refused to let Congress see, remains shrouded in mystery but is “serious” and “urgent,” the government’s intelligence watchdog […]

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