Joe Biden

Biden shores up fragile 'blue wall' in industrial north

Liberal groups warn Biden could lose over policing policies

11:26 pm June 16, 2020

Washington: More than four dozen progressive groups have signed a letter to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden‘s campaign criticizing his police reform proposals and warning that if he doesn’t adopt more progressive policies he risks losing black voters — and the election — this fall. “You cannot win the election without the enthusiastic support of Black […]

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Tulsa arena hosts thousands for Trump rally amid virus fears

Trump rally called ‘dangerous move’ in age of coronavirus

11:15 pm June 14, 2020

Washington: After months away from the campaign trail, President Donald Trump plans to rally his supporters this coming Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus. Trump will head to Tulsa, Oklahoma a state that has seen relatively few COVID-19 cases. But health experts question the decision, citing […]

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Biden releases plan to reopen US economy amid coronavirus

12:44 am June 12, 2020

Philadelphia: Joe Biden on Thursday released a plan that he says can jump-start an economy in free fall from the coronavirus pandemic and said he is better positioned than President Donald Trump to safeguard businesses and their employees and create jobs without taking unnecessary health risks. Trump’s Democratic challenger is promising to guarantee testing for […]

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Trump slams media for 'blocking' alleged graft cases against Biden

Trump says India, China will have more COVID-19 cases with more tests

3:06 pm June 6, 2020

Washington: US President Donald Trump has said that countries like India and China would have much more coronavirus cases than America, the worst-hit country in the world, if they conduct more tests. Trump, in his remarks at Puritan Medical Products in Maine, said that the US has carried out 20 million tests. Compared to the […]

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Biden to focus on economic plans, inequality in weeks ahead

2:53 pm June 4, 2020

Washington: Joe Biden is pledging to unveil a series of proposals in coming weeks aimed at reversing the economic devastation wrought by the pandemic and addressing inequalities that have contributed to protests sweeping the country. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and his aides see some parallels to the last time his party wrested the White […]

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