Bernie Sanders

Police protests upend Democratic Senate contest in Kentucky

1:49 pm June 21, 2020

Louisville: For months, Charles Booker languished in the shadows, talking about racial and economic justice in a long shot bid to take on Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader of the U.S. Senate. Then came a national eruption over the deaths of Black Americans in encounters with police. Now, Booker’s bid for the Democratic Senate nomination from the left wing of Kentucky politics is on the rise, […]

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Biden shores up fragile 'blue wall' in industrial north

Liberal groups warn Biden could lose over policing policies

11:26 pm June 16, 2020

Washington: More than four dozen progressive groups have signed a letter to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden‘s campaign criticizing his police reform proposals and warning that if he doesn’t adopt more progressive policies he risks losing black voters — and the election — this fall. “You cannot win the election without the enthusiastic support of Black […]

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Dozens of Democrats demand Cuomo's resignation

Trump: NY mayor would be a better candidate than Biden

11:54 pm March 30, 2020

Washington: US President Donald Trump said Monday that New York mayor Andrew Cuomo, whose popularity has surged thanks to his handling of the coronavirus outbreak in his city, would make a better candidate to run against him November’s elections than Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. Cuomo, 62, is not in the running in the Democratic primaries, […]

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For Biden, how to help mangled economy is next obstacle

Biden wins hard-fought Michigan, deals major blow to Sanders

2:59 pm March 11, 2020

Washington: Joe Biden decisively won Michigan’s Democratic primary on Tuesday, seizing a key battleground state that helped propel Bernie Sanders’ insurgent candidacy four years ago. The former vice president’s victory there, as well as in Missouri and Mississippi, dealt a serious blow to Sanders and substantially widened Biden’s path to the nomination. The Vermont senator’s […]

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One more victory: Biden wins most Super Tuesday delegates

3:56 pm March 7, 2020

Washington: Former Vice President Joe Biden has put an exclamation point on his Super Tuesday victories by winning the most delegates on the presidential primary calendar’s biggest night. The Associated Press has allocated more than 92% of the 1,344 delegates that were up for grabs on Tuesday, and Biden has such a commanding lead that […]

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