
Supreme Court formally rejects Trump election challenge cases

Abortion foes vent disappointment after Supreme Court ruling

5:12 pm June 30, 2020

New York: Abortion opponents vented their disappointment and fury on Monday after the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision to strike down a Louisiana law that would have curbed abortion access. The ruling delivered a defeat to anti-abortion activists but could intensify interest in the November election among religious conservatives who are a key part of Trump’s base. Some […]

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Lobster prices falling, and they could fall further

Lobster prices falling, and they could fall further

11:26 pm June 27, 2020

Portland: Lobster prices are falling in New England as the industry deals with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, and they could drop even more later this summer, industry officials said. The American lobster fishing industry, based mostly in Maine, has had to cope with a supply chain that has been disrupted by the pandemic. Wholesale prices were […]

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Mourners bid farewell to Rayshard Brooks at historic church

Mourners bid farewell to Rayshard Brooks at historic church

3:02 pm June 24, 2020

Atlanta: Scores of mourners Tuesday paid their final respects to Rayshard Brooks at the Atlanta church where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr used to preach, taking part in a funeral rich with historical echoes and filled with a tragic sense that Black America has been through this all too many times before. “Rayshard Brooks is the latest high-profile casualty in the struggle […]

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Thousands without heat, water after tornadoes kill dozens

Trump administration extends visa ban to non-immigrants

7:54 am June 23, 2020

Washington: The Trump administration on Monday extended a ban on green cards issued outside the United States until the end of the year and added many temporary work visas to the freeze, including those used heavily by technology companies and multinational corporations. The administration cast the effort as a way to free up jobs in […]

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Police protests upend Democratic Senate contest in Kentucky

1:49 pm June 21, 2020

Louisville: For months, Charles Booker languished in the shadows, talking about racial and economic justice in a long shot bid to take on Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader of the U.S. Senate. Then came a national eruption over the deaths of Black Americans in encounters with police. Now, Booker’s bid for the Democratic Senate nomination from the left wing of Kentucky politics is on the rise, […]

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