Stone-pelting youth engage security forces near encounter site; militants escape cordon

Delhi-based Kashmiri scribes, over 25 people from Valley were potential spying targets: Report


Groups of youth engaged in stone pelting and clashed with security forces near the site of a gunfight between militants and troops in Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir on Monday even as the ultras managed to escape the cordon, officials said. Acting on specific information about the presence of militants in the Kawoosa area of Budgam district in central Kashmir, security forces launched a cordon and search operation there, the officials said.

They said the search operation turned into an encounter after the militants fired upon the search party. Soon after the initial exchange of firing, clashes broke out near the encounter site as groups of youth pelted stones on security forces who chased away the protestors by firing tear smoke shells, the officials said.

There are no reports of any injury in the clashes, they said, adding, the militants managed to escape the security cordon..