Standalone shops selling non-essentials reopen in Bengal

138 litres of liquor seized from train, accused missing


A handful of standalone shops, which sell non-essential items, reopened on Tuesday in green zones across West Bengal, even as such outlets and business establishments remained shut in the red, orange and containment areas.

The state government had on Monday announced a host of relaxations during the third phase of the lockdown to resume economic activities. All shops, barring the ones selling essential items, in the state have been shut since March 25, when the nationwide lockdown was imposed to contain the coronavirus outbreak.

Long queues were seen outside standalone liquor shops with either police or local administration ensuring that tipplers maintain social distancing.

The liquor shops have been allowed to operate from 12 noon to 7 pm, as per the latest government order, which also set the guidelines for both customers and shop owners.

The government allowed private buses to ply intra- district in green zones with not more than 20 passengers.

However, buses operated by private owners remained off the road as they found it “economically unfeasible” to resume services with maximum 20 passengers at a time, while autos and rickshaws were seen running in various parts of the state.

Bus Minibus Coordination Committee general secretary Rahul Chatterjee said that it is “not viable to run buses with only 20 passengers” as the revenue from ticket sale would not be enough to meet even fuel expenses.

“We urge the government to requisition the buses as such practice is followed during the elections period for movement of polling personnel and security forces. The government can then run the buses on payment of a daily fee to the owners,” he said.

State Chief secretary Rajiva Sinha had also announced that standalone shops in all the zones, barring the containment areas, will be allowed to open from 10 am to 6 pm.

A few shops reopened in green zones across districts.

“There is panic among traders as the number of COVID- 19 cases is rising with each passing day. In most parts of the city and the state, shopkeepers preferred not to open their shops both due to anxiety and low level of business.

“In green zones, a few shops have opened but most of the traders are waiting for public transportation services to resume,” Confederation of West Bengal Trade Unions president Sushil Poddar said.

The traders’ body, which has a membership base of 10 lakh across the state, has issued an advisory to its members about how to stay safe and sanitise their outlets.

There are four red, eight green and 11 orange zones in the state.

The state government has announced the lockdown since March 23.