Senior ICMR scientist tests positive for coronavirus

New Delhi:

A senior scientist at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has tested positive for novel coronavirus following which the entire ICMR building is being sanitised, sources said.

The scientist, who is from Mumbai, had come to Delhi few days ago and tested positive for the virus on Sunday morning.

The scientists is from the National Institute for Research in Reproductive health in ICMR, Mumbai.

The ICMR building will be sanitised and fumigated for two days, a source said.

The scientist had last week attended a meeting in which ICMR Director General Dr Balram Bhargava among others were present.

A message from the administration was sent to a section of employees, urging them to work from home as the ICMR headquarters is under fumigation, the sources said.

“Only the COVID-19 core team may come, if absolutely necessary. Others should work from home only,” the message said.