Search Results for: impeachment

House Homeland GOP report accuses Mayorkas of ‘intentional’ dereliction of duty over border crisis

Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday issued a scathing report accusing DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of being “intentionally” derelict in his duty to the country as he implemented a “radical open-borders agenda.” Chairman Mark Green launched an investigation into Mayorkas’ ‘dereliction of duty’ earlier this year amid a barrage of criticism of […]

George Soros handed empire to son, Alex, who is ‘more radical’ leftist, according to study of past rhetoric

Alex Soros’ own words indicate he’ll be “even more radically leftist than his father” as he takes control of the family empire that backs liberal politicians, according to a study of rhetoric and social media activity.  The Media Research Center extensively researched “previous radical statements” made by the 37-year-old son of George Soros who recently […]

Federal prosecutors opt against seeking death penalty in Whitey Bulger prison killing case

Federal prosecutors will not pursue the death penalty against two men charged with the prison killing of notorious Boston gangster James “Whitey” Bulger, according to court papers filed Wednesday. Prosecutors said in a court filing that in the event Fotios “Freddy” Geas, a former Mafia hitman, and Paul J. DeCologero, a Massachusetts gangster, are convicted […]

On Biden’s watch, Lady Justice has been weaponized. But Merrick Garland can’t do this one thing

PROGRAMMING ALERT: Watch House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” on Wednesday, July 12 at 7 am ET. Outside the Supreme Court building in our nation’s capital, Lady Justice is depicted blindfolded holding a scale that’s in balance because in principle justice is both “blind” and “equal.” But under President Biden, […]