SEAN HANNITY: Biden’s White House has done an awful job on ‘every facet of American life’

Sean Hannity dissects the failures of the Biden White House and how Democrats are “circling” back to Biden as their candidate for 2024 in his opening monologue Tuesday on “Hannity.”


SEAN HANNITY: Democrats are already circling the wagons around their 80-year-old corpse, Joe Biden, even though many have really serious doubts about his physical fitness, mental ability, cognitive ability. Even Hillary Clinton voiced concerns about Biden’s age. 

But Joe’s obvious cognitive decline is not his only problem. Long story-short, the far left staffers that are running Biden’s White House have done an awful job. If you look at every facet of American life, it is now worse under their idiotic policies, their extremism, starting with the border to the economy, to energy, national security, law and order, infrastructure, you name it, it’s worse. 

Even small things like passports and visas and permits, everything is a disaster. And so far, Biden can’t even reach an agreement on the debt ceiling. And maybe that’s because he refused to negotiate with Kevin McCarthy and disappeared for a whopping 97 days. Joe wouldn’t even pick up the phone and call, and he wouldn’t accept a call or an invitation from Speaker McCarthy

But don’t expect Biden or the Democrats or their handlers in the media mob to take any responsibility for anything. Instead, they’ll just smear, slander, besmirch Republicans like they always do.