Rising Pollution, Winter Could Worsen COVID-19 Situation

Encounter on between security forces, terrorists in Poonch

Written By Aditya Vikram Singh: 

Studies from China and Italy show that in areas where there is increase in PM 2.5 levels, it leads to a surge of at least 8-9% in coronavirus cases. The study conducted by Ocean and Climatic Sciences at IIT-Bhubaneswar have revealed every degree rise in temperature corresponds to a 0.99% decrease in the number of cases and an increase in doubling time by approximately 1.13 days.

The number of people one sick person is likely to infect is higher in more polluted areas. The study found that even a small increase of 1 μg/m3 in PM2.5 levels was associated with an 8% increase in COVID19 related fatality.

Pollution Contributes in many ways: Under normal conditions with clean air and atmospheric agitation, a small droplet meets with the virus and evaporates or disperses rapidly in the atmosphere. On the contrary, in a stable atmosphere with high concentrations of PM, viruses have a high probability of agglomerating with the particles and reducing their diffusion coefficient, increasing their amount of time and permanence in the atmosphere, and thus becoming more contagious.PM may potentially act as a transporter of the virus.

Similarly, PM2.5 dust is very dangerous especially because it can accumulate deep in the lungs and penetrate into other organs and the bloodstream, causing a serious threat to health. Important role of the existence of comorbidities, which significantly increase a patient’s risk profile in covid patient.

Meanwhile, air pollution is known to cause damage to many organs and body systems, especially the respiratory and cardiovascular systems causing pre inflammatory condition and suppressing immunity. Rise in NO2 irritates human airways and impairs  immunity to lung infections.

In winter levels of pollution and with a moderate daytime temperature range, and low humidity would favor the transmission of the virus.


(Author Aditya Vikram Singh is a senior journalist currently associated with Democratic Accent. The author has extensive experience in Health beat and has previously worked with reputed groups such as Indian Express and Hindustan Times.)