Rahul Gandhi questions timing of letter to Sonia, says it was written in cahoots with BJP

Rahul emphasises power of local languages

New Delhi:

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday attacked a section of the party for going public against the leadership, and charged that the letter seeking leadership changes was written in cahoots with the BJP. The charge invited sharp rebuttals from former ministers Ghulam Nabi Azad and Kapil Sibal. Azad said he would resign if any such link is established.

In his brief speech at the CWC, Rahul Gandhi also questioned the timing of the letter, which was sent when Sonia Gandhi was hospitalised. Azad, who is one of the signatories read out the contents of the letter, saying the leaders are not questioning Sonia Gandhi and only wanted organisational reform in the larger interest of the party.

Echoes of the fiery CWC meeting which is underway, were also heard outside with former minister Kapil Sibal, another signatory to the letter, publicly questioning Rahul’s accusations of a BJP link to the letter seeking sweeping changes to party organisation and elections to the CWC. “Rahul Gandhi says ‘we are colluding with BJP’. Succeeded in Rajasthan High Court defending the Congress Party. Defending party in Manipur to bring down BJP Government.

“Last 30 years have never made a statement in favour of BJP on any issue. Yet ‘we are colluding with the BJP’!,”he tweeted. Earlier addressing the CWC, Rahul Gandhi said Sonia Gandhi had accepted the party presidentship only after the committee last year urged her to take responsibility.

He took on the leaders who went public with their complaints saying, “it is the CWC where we discuss our differences and put out our thoughts, not the media,”. Questioning the timing of Azad’s letter, the former Congress chief said the letter was sent when Sonia Gandhi was unwell and was admitted to a hospital and at a time when the Congress was fighting the crisis in Rajasthan.