Pro-life leaders, Stefanik celebrate anniversary of Roe’s overturn: ‘Transforming the nation’

FIRST ON FOX: House Republican Conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA) president Marjorie Dannenfelser celebrated the first anniversary of the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Nearly one year ago on June 24, 2022 — amid raucous national conversation, protests and counter-protests, and an illegal decision leak — the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, returning the decision on abortion to the national and state legislatures.

Conservatives have been celebrating since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe and the subsequent aftershocks protecting life across the country, and pro-life leaders are gearing up for the one-year anniversary of their movement’s big win.


Stefanik and Dannenfelser caught up with Fox News Digital on Tuesday ahead of the congresswoman’s speech on the anniversary of Dobbs with SBA at the National Press Club.

“For almost 50 years, we fought for the right to pass legislation that would protect unborn children in the law,” Dannenfelser said. “That’s a human rights battle of our time and one that’s in a continuous chain over the course of American history.”

“So it’s a turning point in our nation. It’s a moment to be affirming women and children. To establish justice and mercy for women, justice, and mercy for children,” she continued. “This whole week will be a week of celebration and planning for the pro-life movement all over the country.”

Stefanik, who said she was proud to have the support of Susan B. Anthony List when she ran for office, told Fox News Digital that understood the importance of life since she was young. However, as the newest mom in Congress following the birth of her son Sam about two years ago, the issue took on a new dimension.

“But I know how important this is as a young mother to stand up as the voice for the voiceless, to make sure that we continue to embrace a culture of life in this country and pass strong pro-life legislation as we continue to see today,” Stefanik said.

“The Democratic Party is extreme and radical. They want to get rid of the Hyde Amendment. They want taxpayer dollars to go towards funding abortion,” the New York Republican continued. “They want abortion on demand up until and after the moment of birth.”

“That’s not the consensus position across the United States of America. So I’m proud to be here today during this historic week on the one-year anniversary,” Stefanik continued. “And I’m proud to stand with Susan Anthony List.”

Dannenfelser invoked famed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, noting Roe’s overturn “isn’t the end” for the fight for the unborn, and it is not the beginning, but rather “the end of the beginning.”

“We’re at year one of transforming the nation into a culture of life rather than a culture of death and the sense of hopelessness that abortion is delivered to women and the damage to their bodies and their spirits over time,” Dannenfelser said. “It’s a time to begin again.”

Dannenfelser noted that “almost half” of state legislatures across the country are pushing for protections of the unborn and proposing laws to help struggling mothers escape poverty, abusive relationships, and homelessness “instead of giving them an abortion and showing them the door.”

Stefanik said pro-life Americans “have a huge opportunity this Congress in the Republican majority to continue to stand up for life,” whether its on issues of federal tax dollars going to abortion services or “standing up for pregnancy crisis centers.”

“I also am a strong advocate for those young mothers who face challenges, whether it’s child care, whether it’s making sure that they have the support they need, which is why I’ve been such a strong advocate,” Stefanik said.

“Whether it comes to having access to baby formula, which has been a crisis under Joe Biden, expanding access to home-based child care,” she continued. “So this is a continuum of standing up for life, and I’m so proud to be part of it.”

Stefanik said “the Supreme Court got it right” by sending the issue of abortion “back to the elected officials” and that the decision was crucial so that Americans “through their elected officials at the state and federal level are able to come to terms with the policy decision that works for those states.”

“Now, I’m certainly saddened that in New York State we have abortion on demand and it is very anti-life in New York state,” Stefanik said. “I’m very proud of these governors in states that are signing strong pro-life legislation into law.”

Dannenfelser said that “the question hanging over the GOP primary is: What is the nature of the federal responsibility when it comes to establishing a limit?”

“In the Supreme Court decision, [Supreme Court Justice Brett] Kavanaugh made it clear that… every elected representative, including Congress, has that prerogative,” Dannenfelser said.

“And so it’s vital that every single GOP primary candidate state their position,” she continued. “And our position at Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is that you must have at a minimum of 15-week limit, which is a very, very modest limit.”

Candidates who do not commit to a 15-week limit will not receive SBA’s support for the presidency, Dannenfelser added.