Party will oppose any bid to abrogate Art 35A, 370: NC


The National Conference on Sunday voiced concern over the uncertain and uptight situation in Jammu and Kashmir and said the party would fight against any infringement of the special constitutional status of the state.

The NC had a four-hour-long meeting of its party’s political affairs committee (PAC) over the current situation in the valley. The meeting was chaired by party vice-president Omar Abdullah.

After the meeting, an NC spokesperson said, the party called for “effective and immediate” measures to instill confidence among the people in Kashmir.

He said the party is willing to go an extra mile to defend Article 370 and Article 35-A of the Constitution.

The party also said the need of the hour calls for well-considered response to the situation.

The meeting was called to deliberate on the prevailing situation in the state, an NC spokesperson said.

He said the party leadership unanimously impressed upon the Government of India to clear the air on current uncertainty in Kashmir.

The party leadership called for urgent measures to infuse confidence among locals, he said.

The party leadership in the marathon meeting expressed concern over the uncertain and uptight situation in the state especially in the Kashmir region. The leaders unanimously asserted that the party will fight any infringement upon the special constitutional position of the state, he said.

The NC leadership said the party is ready to go an extra mile to defend the state’s interests both inside and outside the Parliament and urged the people to forge unity in these trying times, he added.

The spokesperson said NC president Farooq Abdullah, despite not keeping well, was in constant touch with the opposition parties at the Centre.

The party is already fighting for Article 35-A, Article 370 both inside and outside the Parliament. The party has already employed a battery of lawyers in Delhi to put up a strong front at the apex court to protect Article 35 A and Article 370, he said.

The NC leadership said the party has always been in the fore front of protecting the state’s interests and they will not allow anyone to tinker with the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, the spokesperson added.