Oscar Isaac to star in thriller London’ with Ben Stiller on board as director

Oscar Isaac to star in thriller London' with Ben Stiller on board as director

Los Angeles:

Actor Ben Stiller is set to direct Lionsgate thriller London starring Golden Globe winner Oscar Isaac in the lead.

The film is based on a new short story/high-concept thriller by bestselling crime writer Jo Nesbo, reported Deadline.

Dune screenwriter Eric Roth is adapting the story for the feature film.

Issac obtained the rights to the story as a producer under his Mad Gene Media banner in competition, and was involved in getting Stiller and Roth on board.

Stiller is also producing the film through his Red Hour production banner, along with his producing partner Nicky Weinstock.

This is an incredible team of filmmaking that has come together for this project. Eric is a master storyteller whose screenplays are canonized in film history; Ben’s work as a filmmaker, including his latest accomplishment, Escape at Dannemora,’ is astounding; Oscar is a force in all that he does, both behind and in front of the camera,” said Erin Westerman, president of production for Lionsgate

As Eric adapts Jo Nesbo’s evocative and memorable short story into an incredible film, we’re confident that Ben will bring all of the tension and emotion in directing London’ and Oscar will not only give a riveting and dynamic performance, but as the producer leading the process to bring this team together, has an incredible energy and passion for the material, he added

Nesbo will serve as executive producer on the project.