Online short film fest with women’s safety as theme

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At a time when women’s safety is a great concern, a Kerala-based cultural centre is organising an online short film festival to honour the memories of mythical bird, Jatayu, who stood for the safety and pride of women.

Titled “SHE”, the festival is conducted by the Jatayu Rama Cultural Centre near here with women’s safety as the theme.

According to the epic, the divine bird tried to stop demon King Ravana when he kidnapped Sita Devi.

Though the bird spread its wings to stop the asura and help Sita, he chopped off one of its wings, it said.

“Jatayu is a symbol of resistance and martyrdom against the demon who threatens the dignity and security of women,” the organisers said.

At this time, when women’s safety is facing more challenges than ever before, this festival and the memory of Jatayu, who died for the protection of women, have great significance, they said.

Short films of a duration of 3-5 minutes will be considered for the festival.

A 10-member-jury, headed by renowned actress Mallika Sukumaramn, would select the best among the entries for the award.

The best three films would get a cash award of Rs 50,000, Rs 25,000 and Rs 10,000 respectively.

A cash award of Rs 10,000 each would be given for various titles including the best direction, content, acting, editing and cinematography, the organisers said adding that the last date to submit the entries is January 15, 2021.