Nothing to worry about CAA: Minority Commission

Minority Commission of India member Manjit Singh Rai


Minority Commission of India member Manjit Singh Rai on Friday said there is nothing to worry about the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and alleged that some people with vested interests were trying to create confusion on the issue to meet their political ends.

“There is nothing to worry from the CAA as there is nothing detrimental in it. Only certain vested interests are trying to create confusion on the issue to meet their political ends,” he told reporters here.

About states, including Punjab, who are against the CAA implementation, Rai said, “Granting citizenship is entirely a central subject.”

“The passing of special resolutions by the states against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act enacted by Parliament is political gimmick,” he alleged.

Rai said the state assembly resolutions will not have any significance and termed it as a “futile exercise”.

Punjab and Kerala assemblies have passed resolutions against the CAA.

The CAA provides for granting citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians, who had migrated to India before December 31, 2014, from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. It excludes members of the Muslim community.