Newborn girl found in earthen pot recovering

Newborn girl found in earthen pot recovering

Bareilly (UP):

The newborn girl, who was rescued from an earthen pot buried almost three feet below the ground, is fast on the path of recovery, doctors said on Tuesday.

The doctors attending to her in a city medical centre said her weight has doubled in one month and other medical parametres are also under control.

Last month, a trader had found the newborn girl in the earthen pot while he had gone to bury his daughter, who died minutes after being born prematurely.

Dr Ravi Khanna, head of the NBBC Centre where the newborn is undergoing treatment, said the girl has now gained weight and is 2 kg 100 grams. When she was admitted to the NBBC Centre on October 13, her weight was 1 kg 200 grams.

“She was a premature child and also had infection in blood. But she has shown remarkable improvement during this period and is recovering well,” he said.

Hitesh Kumar Sirohi, the trader, rescued the girl and fed her milk using cotton.

According to Superintendent of Police (city) Abhinandan Singh, Sirohi’s wife Vaishali is a sub-inspector posted in Bareilly.

“She was admitted to a private hospital after she complained of labour pain and gave birth to a seven-month premature girl, who died within a few minutes,” Singh said.

Sirohi had gone to bury his daughter, he said, adding, “As the pit was being dug, at a depth of three feet, the spade hit an earthen pot, which was pulled out. There was a baby girl lying in it.”

Bithari Chainpur MLA Rajesh Mishra had taken the responsibility for the girl’s treatment.