New Hampshire shuts down gambit to block Trump from primary ballot, snubs DNC election calendar

The top election official in New Hampshire says he won’t invoke the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in order to block former President Donald Trump from the ballot in the state that holds the first primary in the Republican nominating calendar.

New Hampshire Secretary of State Dave Scanlan, at a news conference Wednesday at the state house in Concord, also announced that the filing period for the 2024 presidential primary will start on Oct. 11 — meaning it’s nearly all but certain the date of the contest will lead to a collision with the Democratic National Committee.

At the news conference, called in part to address legal efforts by some Republicans in New Hampshire to prevent the former president from getting his name on the 2024 ballot, Scanlan said that as long as Trump “submits his declaration of candidacy and signs it under the penalties of perjury, pays the $1,000 filing fee, his name will appear on the presidential primary ballot.”


“That language is not discretionary,” Scanlan emphasized.

Bryant “Corky” Messner, an attorney and prominent Republican who won the 2020 Republican Senate nomination thanks in great part to Trump’s support, was mulling a lawsuit if Trump filed to put his name on the ballot.

Messner was very publicly questioning the former president’s eligibility to run for the White House, and cited Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. That section disqualifies those who’ve taken an oath to support the Constitution from holding office again if they’ve “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. “or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”


Separate from Messner’s move, John Anthony Castro — a Texas-based attorney who’s running an extreme long-shot bid for the GOP presidential nomination — filed a lawsuit in a New Hampshire court that aimed to keep Trump off the primary ballot.

Ever since Trump launched his third straight White House bid last November, there’s been talk of invoking the 14th Amendment to keep him off the ballot. But with his recent indictments in federal court and in Georgia on charges he attempted to overturn the results of his 2020 election loss to President Biden, the push gained momentum. 

A legal advocacy group that had previously targeted Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and then-Rep. Madison Cawthorne of North Carolina over ballot qualifications this summer sent letters to elections officials in nine states asking them to keep Trump from the ballot. And some prominent legal scholars have advanced the argument.

But Scanlan emphasized on Wednesday that “there is no mention in New Hampshire state statute that a candidate in a New Hampshire presidential primary can be disqualified using the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution referencing insurrection or rebellion.”

“There is nothing in the 14th Amendment that suggests that exercising the provisions of that amendment should take place during the delegate selection process as held by the different states,” Scanlan added. “There is nothing in our state statute that gives the Secretary of State discretion in entertaining qualification issues once a candidate swears under the penalties of perjury that they meet the qualifications to be president.”

Scanlan, a former Republican state lawmaker, also sought legal input from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. And a concurring statement from state attorney general John Formella highlighted that state law “does not afford the Secretary of State discretion to withhold a candidate’s name from the ballot on the grounds that the candidate may be disqualified under Section Three when a candidate has not been convicted or otherwise.”

Most Secretaries of State have balked at the idea of striking a presidential candidate on their own. Minnesota Secretary of State Scott Simon, a Democrat, said in a statement last week that his office can’t take such action on its own and could only do so if compelled by courts. 

It’s likely the issue may eventually be resolved by U.S. Supreme Court, which in its storied history has never made a ruling on the clause 

The issue will likely only be resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court, which has never ruled on the clause in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

Scanlan emphasized that “I think a decision on this requires a ruling from the United States Supreme Court to do anything differently than what we have planned here.” 

New Hampshire GOP chair Chris Ager, who attended the news conference, told Fox News: “I’m very happy with the decision. It made a lot of sense to me the way the Secretary articulated the process and the decision-making, and now we can put the 14th Amendment to bed in New Hampshire and get back to campaigning.”

“I think it’s the right thing to do,” Ager added. “It gives clarity to what’s going to happen in New Hampshire.”

Scanlan also announced at his news conference that the filing period for presidential candidates to sign up to put their name on the New Hampshire ballot will extend from Oct. 11 to Oct. 27. That’s about three weeks earlier than four years ago during the 2020 cycle, when the New Hampshire primary was held on Feb. 11.


New Hampshire for a century has held the first primary in the race for the White House. And while the Republican National Committee is not making any dramatic changes to their nominating calendar, the DNC overwhelmingly voted in early February to dramatically alter the top of its schedule for the 2024 election cycle, bumping Iowa and New Hampshire from their longtime leadoff positions.

But months later, there’s no resolution with New Hampshire or Iowa, and the party appears far from implementing its revamped primary schedule.

The push by the DNC to upend its primary calendar — in order to better reflect Black and Hispanic voters in the early primary contests — has been vigorously opposed in New Hampshire.

Democrats for years have knocked both Iowa and New Hampshire as unrepresentative of the party as a whole, for being largely White with few major urban areas. Nevada and South Carolina, which in recent cycles have voted third and fourth on the calendar, are much more diverse than either Iowa or New Hampshire. Nevada and South Carolina were added to the Democratic calendar nearly two decades ago to increase the diversity of the early states electorate.

The DNC overwhelmingly approved a calendar proposed by President Biden to move South Carolina to the lead position, with a Feb. 3, 2024, primary. New Hampshire and Nevada are scheduled to hold primaries three days later, followed by Georgia on Feb. 13 and Michigan two weeks later. The president and supporters of the plan have argued that it would empower minority voters, whom Democrats have long relied on but have at times taken for granted.

New Hampshire has a nearly half-century-old law that mandates that it hold the first presidential primary, a week ahead of any similar contest.

The DNC extended an earlier deadline until Sept. 1 for New Hampshire to come into compliance or face getting booted from the early state window for the 2024 cycle.

To comply, New Hampshire needs to scrap its state law protecting its first-in-the-nation primary status and must expand access to early voting. But with Republicans in control of New Hampshire’s governor’s office and both houses of the state legislature, state Democrats have repeatedly argued that’s a non-starter.

“I’m just assuming we’re going to be in noncompliance with the Democratic National Committee,” Scanlan told Fox News. 

And pointing to a DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting on Thursday when New Hampshire may be found non-compliant, Scanlan emphasized that “we’ll see what comes out of that. But that’s not going to affect what we do in New Hampshire at all.” 

If New Hampshire is ruled non-compliant, the state could lose half of its delegates to next summer’s Democratic presidential nominating convention, under DNC penalties passed last year.

There are plenty of Democrats in Iowa and New Hampshire who see the upending of their leadoff positions as sour grapes from Biden, who finished a disappointing fourth in the 2020 Iowa caucuses and fifth in the New Hampshire primary, before a second-place finish in Nevada and a landslide victory in South Carolina propelled him towards the nomination and eventually the White House.

Scanlan didn’t set the date of the primary, just the filing period — but the dates of the filing period are in line with a primary that could be held on Jan. 23, eight days after Iowa’s GOP presidential caucus.

Material from the AP was included in this report

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