MP: LPG cylinders explode as truck catches fire

Hoshangabad (MP):

A truck carrying LPG cylinders caught fire in early hours on Tuesday while crossing a bridge near Babai town in Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh, triggering multiple explosions, police said.

No casualty is reported so far, said Babai police station in-charge Ashish Pawar.

Vehicular traffic on both sides of the bridge on the Tawa river was immediately stopped and the blaze was brought under control by three fire tenders with the help of local residents, he said.

The cause of the fire cannot be known immediately.

Prima facie, the truck was transporting more than 300 LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) cylinders, but their exact number will be known only after officials of oil companies concerned carry out assessment, Pawar said, adding that a string of explosions caused panic in the area.

A case has been registered and further investigation is on, he added.