London mayor Khan ‘heartbroken’ over Brexit

London Mayor sets tough emissions fines for large polluting vehicles


London Mayor Sadiq Khan says he is “heartbroken” about Britain’s imminent departure from the European Union and wants to reassure European citizens living in the British capital they are valued friends and family members.

“I’m of the generation who has seen our European neighbours as friends and allies,” Khan told The Associated Press hours before Brexit becomes official Friday night.

“Previous generations looked upon them with suspicion,” the mayor said.

“And the key thing I’m determined to make sure happens is, going forward, we will carry on as a city being open-minded, out-looking, pluralistic and welcoming to our EU friends.”

Khan has long argued that Britain would be better off remaining inside the EU.

He said Friday he was proud that Londoners voted overwhelmingly in the 2016 Brexit referendum to keep the UK as an EU member.

Khan also rebuffed speculation that London would work to become a lightly regulated tax haven in the post-Brexit era.