Liquor shop to remain shut: Haryana Deputy CM

138 litres of liquor seized from train, accused missing


Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala on Sunday ruled out the opening of liquor shops in the state till at least May 3 while saying that the coronavirus lockdown will have to be lifted in a phased manner.

Dushyant Chautala said in compliance with the Union Home Ministry guidelines, the state government has taken an initiative to bring economic activities to normalcy in a phased manner, for which online applications have been invited from industrial units.

However, according to a statement, Chautala said everything cannot be done everywhere at the same time.

So, the things have to be re-opened gradually according to the situation, he said, adding that at present, no state “favoured a complete lifting of the lockdown”.

It will have to be lifted gradually in a phased manner, he stressed.

As far as the opening of liquor shops is concerned, these will remain closed in the state till May 3, he said, adding that state governments should not think about revenue but cooperate with the Centre to check the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chautala said committees have been formed at the block, district and state levels to allow the industries, which are not in containment zones, to operate with certain conditions.

Chautala, whose party JJP is a coalition partner of the BJP in Haryana, also said Haryana has done better as compared with other states to tackle the pandemic.

The recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in the state is better than the national average, he said.

Chautala said ‘distress tokens’ have been issued to needy families during the lockdown so that they could get free food items from ration shops.

He said the procurement process of wheat and mustard is running smoothly and farmers were adhering to the social distancing norms.

The Opposition has accused the state government of mismanagement in the procurement process.

Chautala said arrangements have been made for timely payment to both farmers and arhtiyas (commission agents).

As soon as the produce procured from the mandis will be lifted, payment will be made to farmers and arhtiyas, he said, adding nearly Rs 22,000 crore have been kept in reserve by the state government for the procurement of wheat.