JESSE WATTERS: in a state of hysteria disguised by their deranged fantasies

Jesse Watters shares how the Democrats have entered a ‘full left-wing meltdown’ after seeing that their policies may have backfired on them on “Jesse Watters Primetime.”


JESSE WATTERS: Historian Victor Davis Hanson says Democrats are heading into a 1980 Carter-esque blowout, and the party’s descending into a full left-wing meltdown. Democrats have been left powerless over what VDH says is the escalating dementia of Joe Biden and the terror instilled by the specter of either a president or continued Vice President Harris. 

The left fears all it did to destroy democracy. The raids, arrests, the gag orders might boomerang on them. The collapse of hoaxes like Russia collusion, the laptop, two impeachments and five criminal trials have left the Democrats in a state of hysteria disguised by their deranged fantasies

The more the Democrats pander with student loan bailouts, executive amnesty and cannabis, the more obvious, repugnant and counterproductive it becomes. But that’s not all you’re going to see until Election Day.

Are you ready? Democrats are entering what VDA calls a proverbial cycle of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The stages of grief. Stage one: Denial. Democrats are going to tell you everything you see isn’t true. It’s the “cheap fake” hoax.