JESSE WATTERS: Biden thought he was going to be able to run out the clock on having to turn over bank records

FOX News host Jesse Watters discusses how Rep. James Comer discovered that a personal check made out to Joe Biden came from China on “Jesse Watters Primetime.”


JESSE WATTERS: The president thought he was going to be able to run out the clock on having to turn over bank records. The president thought records of your bank files are stored in cabinets, in warehouses, and it would take years to send a bunch of bankers to dig through boxes of bank records and Xerox them and turn them over. It’s actually electronic. 

You just type in an account number, and you hit print, and it doesn’t take a lot of money to do it. You’d be surprised how much money banks have, Joe. It’s why they’re banks. It’s where we keep the money. And James Comer is finally getting his hands on Biden family bank records so far. The left says there’s no evidence incriminating Joe Biden.

The majority sits completely empty-handed with no evidence of any presidential wrongdoing, no smoking gun. So we’ve established that a smoking gun is dirty money coming from overseas into Biden’s bank account. Well, look what we have here. 

That’s a check made out to Joe Biden for $40,000. His brother’s wife wrote him the check. But where’d the money come from? James Comer found out. 

 China wired Hunter’s company $5 million. Hunter’s company wired Hunter 400,000. Hunter’s company wired Biden’s brother money. And then Biden’s brother’s wife wrote Joe a check for 40 grand. Well, wait a second. What’s 10% of 400,000? That’s 40 grand. That’s 10% for “The Big Guy.” So money hit Joe Biden’s bank account from China, and it added up to 10% for “The Big Guy.” I wonder if the Democrats will change what a smoking gun means. 

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