J-K High Court creates fund to tackle coronavirus threat


The Jammu and Kashmir High Court on Monday created a dedicated fund to combat coronavirus pandemic and provide relief to those affected by the disease.

In a full court meeting, the high court decided that the Chief Justice and all the judges of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court shall make a contribution of Rs 25,000 each, while all the district judges of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh would contribute Rs 15,000 each.

It was further decided that all Sub-Judges and Civil Judges (Senior Division) and Munsiffs/Civil Judges (Junior Division) would contribute Rs 10,000 and Rs 7,500 each, respectively, an official release said.

The meeting also decided that all the gazetted officers of the high court staff and subordinate courts may contribute Rs 5,000, whereas all the non-gazetted staff of the high court and subordinate courts may contribute one day’s salary.

“The contributions shall go a long way in tackling the rapidly-spreading contagious disease,” the release said.

Meanwhile, in order to prevent spread of coronavirus, the high court directed that the next date of hearing of cases listed up to March 31 would be published in the Advance Cause List, which shall be uploaded on the high court’s website.

“With regard to hearing of urgent matters, parties/counsel shall, after informing the opposite parties/counsel, send urgency memo through email to the concerned Registrar Judicial by 3.00 pm of the previous day of the date on which the matter is listed and upon satisfaction about the urgency, the court may hear such matter(s),” a circular issued by the court read.

On the date and time fixed, the case would be heard through video conferencing.

“In the event, video conferencing is not available, incase of exceptional urgency, remote hearing of the cases may be conducted using video call facility.”

It said the filing counter of both wings of the high court would remain closed for all ordinary matters.

“The Registrar Judicial of both wings of the high court shall not accept any ordinary filing of suits, appeals, petitions, applications, till further orders,” the circular said.

In order to decongest the sections/rooms of the registry and on account of suspension of public transport by the government coupled with the imposition of certain other restrictions, the officials working in the registry, would be permitted to function in batches of minimal staff on rotation basis till March 31.