IAF showers petals, conducts fly-past over Gujarat Assembly

Modi hails mega exercise of saluting corona warriors'


Aircraft of the Indian Air Force showered petals on hospitals in Ahmedabad and conducted a fly-past over the city and the Gujarat Assembly complex in Gandhinagar on Sunday to thank healthcare workers and others involved in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

The Indian Navy also saluted the ‘corona warriors’ by illuminating its vessels along the Gujarat coast in the early hours of Sunday.

An IAF helicopter showered petals on the civil hospital and the civic-run Sardar Vallabhbhai Hospital in Ahmedabad, where coronavirus positive patients are being treated, to express gratitude towards those engaged in the battle against the deadly disease.

Personnel of the IAF band also arrived at the two hospitals and played the tune of “Saare Jahaan Se Achcha, Hindustan Hamara”, a defence release said.

Besides, the IAF’s Sukhoi fighter jets (SU-30/3 fighter aircraft) carried out a fly-past over Ahmedabad city and the Legislative Assembly building in Gandhinagar in a formation at a low level, it said.

This was part of the nationwide thanksgiving exercise by the armed forces to honour doctors, paramedics, sanitation staff and other frontline workers battling COVID-19 across the country.