How to fight Democrats’ devious Kamala Harris disinformation? Start with a song in your heart

If there was one thing we learned from the Biden administration, it’s that the best way to fight misinformation is with musical numbers.

It is in that spirit that I would like to take a look at the three most glaring and horrifying examples of blatant disinformation peddled to the American people in Vice President Kamala Harris’ six-day-old presidential campaign. Not just by showing the obvious lies, but with a few new versions of popular show tunes we can all sing along to and share.

The most obvious example is Democrats and the media’s stunning 180 on whether Harris was Joe Biden’s border czar. She was. The same way that John Kerry was climate czar and Bill Bennett was once education czar. It’s a term of art, not an official, literal appointment to Russian royalty.


Joe Biden put Harris in charge of stemming the tide at the border, several times, and it’s on tape. Republicans aren’t just making it up and the media had no problem at all calling the vice president the point person for the border. Now suddenly, it’s not true.

So for this bit of misinformation I went with the Gene Autry classic written in 1939 by Michael Carr and Jimmy Kennedy, “South of the Border Down Mexico Way.”

Our Southern border

Was run by a czar

Her name was Ka-ma-la 

And she had one job

The migrants to bar

She said – don’t come here,

In your homelands please stay

But over 8 million,

They came anyway.

Ay, ay, ay, ay

Ay, ay, ay, ay

Ay, ay, ay, ay, indeed. 

The next tremendous lie I wanted to tackle was that somehow, in just two and a half days, Kamala Harris “earned” the nomination through a vigorous, “grassroots” and “bottom up” effort. To hear good ol’ Chuck Schumer and the liberal media tell it, tens of millions of Democratic voters showed up at their local Elks Lodge or something and held straw polls. In fact, to this day, nobody has voted for Kamala for president except the party bosses.

Here I decided to go with the 1924 classic by Isham Jones and Gus Kahn, that we all remember Dooley Wilson playing in “Casablanca:” “It Had to Be You.”

It had to be Kamala

It had to be Kamala

The voters be damned, the bosses demand

The poor suckers follow ya

For nobody else, Barack will obey

So, it’s Harris all the way

It had to be Kamala

Cacklin’ Kamala

It had to be HER!


Finally, there is the little matter of Govtrack, a supposedly neutral website removing a past page accurately calling Harris the most liberal senator. All the while, her Wikipedia page is being scrubbed. And God knows what other information is being furiously erased in Orwellian fashion. It is the rewriting of history right before our eyes and they aren’t even trying to hide. Gone is the old leftist Kamala; in is the new moderate version.

The natural selection from the American songbook here is the Rogers and Hammerstein number “Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair,” from the musical “South Pacific.”

I’m gonna wash that woke right outta my hair

I’m gonna wash that woke right outta my hair

Govtrack’ll will erase it

The media will replace it

And push new Kamala through the door.

We all have a role to play to fight misinformation. But as a former disinformation czar in the Biden administration taught us, there’s no reason we can’t do it with a song in our heart.