Have accomplished more than any US president in two and a half years: Trump

Will Trump's mishandling of records leave a hole in history?


Having completed two and a half years of his first term in the White House, President Donald Trump on Wednesday claimed that he has accomplished “more” than any US president in the same period.

During an interview with C-Span, President Trump discussed his biggest disappointment and frustrations as president and his relationship with the media.

Asserting that he has “accomplished more maybe than any president has in two and a half years Trump said that he has loved every minute of it.

“We’ve had fun. I think the biggest frustration is the way the media covers me, the way that the media covers perhaps this agenda, and I’m disappointed by it, he said.

Trump, who was once considered to be the blue-eyed boy of the American media before he announced to enter politics and run for the top office in the country, said he is very surprised by the media coverage of his presidency.

“Generally, I think over my lifetime I’ve gotten pretty good press, and here, no matter how big a victory they really covered incorrectly. Hence, the term ‘fake news’, etc., etc. I’d say that’s been somewhat of a disappointment. I thought that after I won I was covered–I thought very poorly during the campaign. I thought after I won they’d be different, and actually, they’ve probably gotten worse, he said.

When asked to define fake news, Trump said: Well, you do something, and they report it incorrectly. The problem is that I would know and the public wouldn’t or that I think the public–a lot of the public believes me when I say it, so I would know what happened.

And when they cover it knowing what I know, and they cover it incorrectly, that to me is fake news, and it’s unfortunate that it takes place. But it does and at a level that I wouldn’t be believed and also with frequency. It’s pretty amazing, actually, he said.

School shooting, he said has been his most difficult days. When you have a school shooting, it’s tremendously–it angers me, actually, really angers me. It frustrates everybody. How could a thing like this happen, how is it possible. When you see innocent children being killed, teachers, that’s something that you just never can really get over, he said.

Asked what has been his “biggest learning curve”, Trump said, “I think probably in terms of a learning curve it’s a little patience. It doesn’t go as quickly as it can do and as you do in private, but not that much different than I expected.