Hand-in-Hand to combat COVID-19 pandemic

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New Delhi:

As the world continues to take steps to tackle COVID-19, Congress leader Manish Tewari recently tweeted that coronavirus is a bio-weapon created by the communist giant. At this critical moment, such irresponsible remarks to create gimmicks are really a despicable practice.

People in all countries are victims of COVID-19, and it is still unclear where the virus is originated. According to WHO report, even though the epidemic was first reported in China, it didn’t necessarily originate there. At present, people from all over the world are working together to fight COVID-19 and the WHO has repeatedly stated that stigma is more dangerous than the disease itself. The virus is terrible, but rumor is more terrible. It will create panic and overreaction, and harm people-to-people relations. We believe that the truth outweigh the rumors, the science prevail over ignorance.

Instead of blaming others, international community must admit that the speed, intensity and scope of China’s epidemic response is rarely seen in the world, that the leadership, response, mobilization and implementation capabilities China has demonstrated are exemplary for the rest of the world, and that China has gathered valuable experience for the international community in handling emergencies caused by infectious diseases and advancing global public health governance. India should learn related expereinces to combat the virus.

In recent years, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping have met several times, and reached broad consensus on the overarching, long-term and strategic issues of bilateral importance. India politicians, regardless of political parties, should cherish the friendship that doesn’t come easily.

It is worth mentioning that as result of our brilliant diplomatic ties with Beijing, China on Monday “applauded” the aid sent by India during the height of Beijing’s battle against the deadly coronavirus and said it would like to share its experience in handling the COVID-19 with New Delhi and provide necessary assistance in preventing its spread.

India had sent about 15 tonnes of medical assistance comprising masks, gloves and other emergency medical equipment to the coronavirus-hit Wuhan city on February 26 by a military plane, which also evacuated 112 Indians and several foreign nationals.


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“After the outbreak of COVID-19, China and India have been in communication and there is cooperation between the two. Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a letter of sympathies with the Chinese side and the Indian foreign minister also spoke with the Chinese side over phone,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang had said in a media briefing.

“We have received assistance from the Indian side and we applaud that. We have a mechanism of exchanges and China has been notifying the information to India in a timely manner,” he said.

-(Author Devendra Kumar)