GREG GUTFELD: Colorado Supreme Court’s ‘unprecedented’ Trump ruling opened Pandora’s Box

Yeah, it’s what it’s like to be loved, Jamie. So scientists just confirmed there are three manmade things that can be seen from outer space. The Panama Canal, the Great Wall of China and Tyrus. Just kidding about the last one. It’s actually the towering stupidity of the Colorado Supreme Court. That’s it. Yes. Thank you. I’ll take it. It makes Pikes Peak look as flat as Joe Biden’s EKG. In a 4-3 decision, four Democrat appointed judges from the Ivy League just voted to remove Trump’s name from next year’s presidential ballot. In other words, they just endorsed him.

They just did more for his chances of becoming president than Joe And Kamala’s incompetence put together and that’s saying something. Are these four judges the only people alive who have noticed that every time the Dems use the Constitution as a snot rag, Trump’s numbers rise faster than Hunter’s heart rate after an eight ball. Maybe they really want Cher to move to Canada. Insult him, impeach him, indict him, it doesn’t matter. He’s like one of those strangulation knots that gets tighter the more you pull against it. Trump’s a Chinese finger cuff. That toy used on unsuspecting kids that traps their fingers in a small bamboo cylinder. It’s how I steal their shoes. And with Biden polling lower than Hamas, the Dems are freaking out, which means time to do something unconstitutional and illegally spying on his campaign is oh so 2016.


So now, in a private club in Denver, four judges are toasting each other for election interference. They’re looking solemn, nodding like bobbleheads during an earthquake. Champagne corks are popping, vegan or d’oeuvres are being passed, Liz Cheney and Rob Reiner are calling them to thank them for saving democracy, Adam Kinzinger is crying tears of joy, and “The View” have already eaten themselves into a coma. But you know what it all means, that Republicans may have the biggest laugh yet since they saw Obama riding a bike. 

So what is it about Trump? The man is a giant orange syringe of truth serum shoved into the collective ass of our body politic. He’s the great revealer. Mention his name and the power hungry elite start howling like Joy Behar at a full moon. It’s as if they’re showing you who they really are. Like Lori Lightfoot, after COVID, the mask is off and it’s terrifying. In an act of mile high virtue signaling, these judges decided that, never mind facts, Trump must be removed because of his support of insurrection

Trump has four pending criminal cases and the same amount of charges for insurrection as I do, which is none. Never mind that he hasn’t even been tried yet, even special prosecutor Jack Smith, who’s about as unhinged as Maxine Waters’ wig could only make up election interference charges. Even that’s a bigger stretch than when Dana Perino reaches a door handle. So did these judges never hear of that innocent until proven guilty thing?


These robed rubes were so concerned they actually added a provision barring him from being a write in candidate. In fact, in Colorado now, you’re not even allowed to think about Donald Trump and if you do, they’ll make you live in Denver. So now that it’s reached magical thinking status, we’re about to find out who everybody really is. If you’re in government, we’re about to hit you with the constitutional sodium pentothal. Forget the Dems, we know what they’re going to say: We have to protect democracy by spying, censoring, arresting and banning the opposition. The worse Trump ever did was block someone on Twitter until a court said that violated free speech. 

But every Republican candidate now has to show how much they believe in due process and basic constitutional principles. Isn’t that right, Cookie Monster? They have to stand against this. Kudos to Vivek. He’s already stated he won’t be on the ballot if Donald Trump isn’t, but the left would hatch a 40-year-old rape charge against Vivek, but back then, he’d only be negative two. But at the next debate, any Republican who takes anything but an unequivocal stance against this should be given a one-way ticket to presidential candidate oblivion, otherwise known as Mitt Romney Airlines. And since this is an unprecedented use of the 14th Amendment, you know who else is on notice? The Supreme Court themselves. Yeah. 

You can only hide your feelings about the Founding Fathers under those robes for so long. They’re supposed to be our best and brightest legal minds and yet one of them is not even sure what a woman is. So we’re watching SCOTUS and that means you, John Roberts, the only invertebrate with a comb over. They need to remember our system is based on precedent. Remember when Harry Reid changed the filibuster rule? That precedent allowed Republicans to filibuster Merrick Garland, allowing Trump to gain a SCOTUS majority. That blew up in their mugs so badly, Nancy’s face is still recovering. Talk about being hoisted on your own petard. It’s happening so often to them, they’re mentally petarded.


Anyway, if this blatant voter cancellation stands then Republicans could do the same. Trump not qualifying in Colorado could easily be Biden not qualifying in Florida. Is that what we really want? Judges deciding our elections? I have one word to say to that, Jeanine. Yeah. What’s going on? She wants the death penalty for leaving the toilet seat up. 

So maybe these four judges had a bout of altitude sickness or hit one of the many legal dispensaries before they voted. But this decision has got to be the thinnest thing to come out of Colorado since Coors Light and what’s amazing is all four of them passed the bar and they sit in judgment of others. That’ll keep you up at night, worse than a shortage of Flomax. So thankfully, much like Joe without his rubber soled shoes, this almost certainly won’t stand. But what’s sad and amazing is if Donald Trump had not swung the Supreme Court, it could have. 

That’s tragic and scary because as the Colorado Supreme Court accuses Trump of insurrection and election interference, today’s Democratic Party should hold that thought. You opened a Pandora’s Box that would make the Unabomber sue you for plagiarism.