France traffic deaths down 40% during virus confinement

France to give details on easing lockdown


Traffic fatalities were down nearly 40 percent in France from last year thanks to nationwide coronavirus lockdown measures that have kept millions of cars, pedestrians and cyclists off the roads.

France’s 67 million citizens have been ordered to stay indoors since March 17, with most people only permitted to leave the house for essentials outings.

Cross-country travel is also restricted as the country seeks to halt the spread of the coronavirus, which has killed more than 13,000 out of at least 124,000 infected.

Traffic authorities said deaths from road accidents were down 39.6 percent across the country in March compared to the same month last year.

There were 154 traffic deaths reported in March this year, down from 255 in 2019, France’s interior ministry said.

The number of accidents was also down 43 percent — from 4,298 in March 2019 to 2,443 in the same month this year.

“The drop in traffic fatalities in March 2020 took place in the context of confinement measures in place since March 17, which obviously greatly reduced overall travel,” the ministry said.

There were far fewer cyclists and pedestrians on France’s roads during the month, which was a major factor in the reduction of roads deaths.

But the number of deaths among drivers of commercial vehicles — many who are still considered essential workers and remain on the roads — did not see a decline.

Road authorities also reported an increase in the number of speeding vehicles on France’s roads between March 30 and April 5. France’s confinement measures are due to stay in place until at least April 15, though the government could announce next week an extension of lockdown rules.