Former Trump adviser says some in GOP wrongly take ‘narrow view’ of Biden impeachment

Former Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller called out some House Republicans he said have taken too “narrow” a view to the process of impeachment that they are hesitant to support the new inquiry into President Biden.

Miller, founder of America First Legal, told “Life, Liberty & Levin” that if a president allegedly “betray[s]” his country or is “complicit in grievous acts,” that should be an easy call on whether to commence such an inquiry.

“I think it’s a terrible shame that so many in the House have taken such a narrow view, have imposed these restraints on themselves as to what impeachment means,” he said.

“If you as president of the United States betray your country and you are complicit in grievous acts against that country, then that in and of itself is the basis for impeachment,” he continued. “Let’s be more concrete: What Joe Biden has done with the dissolution of our southern border, the eradication of our national sovereignty and the suspension of hundreds of pages of duly enacted immigration law satisfies every single condition of impeachment.”


Miller, who also formerly worked for then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., claimed Biden is “at war with his own country” and is sabotaging public safety and national security, particularly through his alleged refusal to fully enforce federal immigration laws.

Miller appeared to claim Biden’s refusal to continue Trump-era border security policies has led to an epidemic of human and drug trafficking across the Rio Grande and into the nation’s interior. 

“Let’s be even more specific about this: Human trafficking is a felony. That is a ‘high crime.’ If you human-traffick a single individual, you could go to jail for many years. How many people has Joe Biden trafficked? Millions.”


“How many people have died as a result of the drugs that he has let in through his willful and deliberate policy choices? Hundreds of thousands,” he claimed.

“Every one of those is a basis to impeach and remove this man.”

Miller concluded that the Senate should indeed have the House conclude a full inquiry and allow the upper chamber to adjudicate, adding that allegations surrounding influence-peddling operations purportedly involving his son Hunter should also be part of the probe.

During White House remarks in January, Biden claimed it is not him but congressional Republicans who refuse to enact long-term immigration reform solutions.


“On my first day in office… I sent Congress a comprehensive piece of legislation that would completely overhaul what has been a broken immigration system for a long time: cracking down on illegal immigration; strengthening legal immigration; and protecting DREAMers, those with temporary protected status, and farmworkers, who all are part of the fabric of our nation,” Biden said at the time.

“But congressional Republicans have refused to consider my comprehensive plan, and they rejected my recent request for an additional $3.5 billion to secure the border and funds for 2,000 new asylum personnel… and 100 new immigration judges so people don’t have to wait years to get their claims adjudicated, which they have a right to make a claim legally.”

The president had also said that Congress’ failure to act has “increased the challenges” seen at the border, later commenting how his own family emigrated from Ireland to America in the 19th Century. 

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