Florida imam and dentist calls for ‘annihilation’ of Jews, says Israeli military ‘worse than the Nazis’

An antisemitic-laced video has emerged of a Florida imam calling for the annihilation of Jews and describing the Israeli military as being “worse than the Nazis.”

The video, which was live-streamed to Facebook on April 26, shows Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi making the remarks during a sermon at Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah in North Miami.

“Oh Allah, support our oppressed brothers in Palestine. Oh Allah, annihilate the tyrannical Jews. Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are no match for you,” Kablawi can be heard saying in the sermon, according to a translation by MEMRI TV, the media arm of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“Oh Allah,” Kablawi continued, “annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs. Oh Allah, demonstrate upon them the wonders of your might. Oh Allah, cut off their seed. Oh Allah, break up their fellowship. Oh Allah, disperse them and rend them asunder.”


The original video was posted to the Facebook page of the mosque, with a shortened version then uploaded MEMRI TV. The video comes amid a wave of antisemitism on college campuses

Kablawi, who has his own dental practice in the Sunshine State, then went on to blast the Israeli army for its ongoing war in Gaza and accused it of trafficking organs. The war began after thousands of Hamas-led terrorists infiltrated southern Israel from Gaza on October 7, slaughtering more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking some 240 people hostage.  

“[Israel’s army] is the most immoral army, Nazis, they are worse than Nazis and I apologized to the Nazis last week because these people have been proven to be worse than the Nazis,” Kablawi is heard saying in English.

He then went on to make accusations of organ trafficking.

“They steal the skin of the Palestinians. It is not enough that they stole their land, now they steal their skins,” Kablawi says in English. “Organs missing, from children, from adults, organs are missing. Go and find who is behind organ trading in this country or in this world.”

He then expanded on his accusations, saying that Israel did the same to people in Haiti. 


“Go ask the Haitians, when they had the earthquake, what happened there with these Israeli organizations going under [the guise] of medical help,” Kablawi says. “Ask them, those who know. The guy will come limping into their tents for treatment, he will be carried out dead, organs missing.”

“All that is because there is no God for these people. All that because these people look at you as nothing but a mistake, or at best, you were created for their service. That’s what they believe,” he insists. “That’s what they say. That’s what they believe, and we don’t spread propaganda.”

Fox News Digital reached out to Kablawi for comment but did not immediately receive a response. 

Kablawi’s comments provoked sharp criticism from Florida state Representative Randy Fine, who wrote a letter to Dr. Jose R. Mellado, chairman of the Florida Board of Dentistry, requesting Kablawi’s dental license be suspended and an investigation into his practice be launched. 

“Muslim terrorists are in our midst and one is practicing dentistry courtesy of the people of Florida,” Fine, who is chair of the Florida House Health and Human Services Committee, wrote in the May 13 letter.

“North Miami, where dentist Kablawi practices, contains many Jewish residents, none of whom could be considered safe in Imam Kablawi’s dental chair, where he could personally implement what he is asking Allah to do.”

“Practicing medicine in Florida is a privilege – not a right – and as the Chairman of the Florida House Health and Human Services Committee, I call on you to immediately suspend Dr. Kablawi’s license and commence a thorough investigation into his practice. The lives of some of Florida’s Jews could hang in the balance.”

Fine went on in the letter to cite other instances of Kablawi’s antisemitic behavior, noting that the vast majority of Jews in Florida are Zionists.  

“On March 8, in another sermon broadcast live, Dentist Kablawi stated, ‘Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the accursed Zionists,’” the letter reads. 

Fine also wrote that a month after the Oct. 7 attacks that Kablawi stated in a sermon, “Oh Allah, show us the black days that you inflict upon the Jews.”