Fishermen find object looking like a fish made of fibre

Delhi-based Kashmiri scribes, over 25 people from Valley were potential spying targets: Report


A group of fishermen in Odisha’s Balasore district found an object looking like a fish made of fibre in their nets while fishing in the sea on Thursday, police said.

The fishermen of Kharasashapur village under Bahanaga block came across the object while fishing in the Bay of Bengal, the police said.

According to a fisherman Ranjit Kumar Majhi of Kharasahapur, there were eight fishermen in a boat for fishing. “While pulling the net, a six to seven feet long fibre made object looking like a fish with fin was found and it was brought to the shore,” he said.

Local villagers say that they sometimes come across defence instruments which fall in the sea during target practice from Integrated Test Rangi at Chandipur.

The object was recovered a day after Pinaka rocket was successfully flight tested from ITR, Chandipur off the coast of Odisha.

However, there was no official word in this regard from the ITR.