Mumbai Police on Tuesday recorded a statement of film critic Rajeev Masand in the actor Sushant Singh Rajput suicide case, an official said. Masand was questioned for more than eight hours at Bandra police station about various issues including the ratings he had had given to Sushant’s films and some `blind articles’, the official said.
Blind articles or items are typically gossip reports where identities of the people involved are not revealed. He was also asked about possible reasons behind the actor’s depression, the police official added.
Sushant Singh (34) was found hanging at his apartment in Mumbai on June 14. No suicide note was found. Among other things, the police are investigating if professioal rivalry had anything to do with Sushant Singh’s death, the official said.
Masand left the police station around 8 pm. The police has so far recorded the statements of around 40 persons including Sushant Singh’s family members, close friends like actor Rhea Chakraborty, casting director Mukesh Chhabra, Yash Raj Films (YRF) Chairman Aditya Chopra, YRF’s casting director Shanoo Sharma and actor Sanjana Sanghi.
On Monday the police had also recorded the statements of three psychiatrists and a psychotherapist who had treated him..