Feds banned from flying non-US flags under new GOP bill after White House flies pride flag

FIRST ON FOX: Republican Sen. Roger Marshall introduced a bill on Wednesday, Flag Day, aimed at preventing government buildings from flying any flag other than the American flag.

The bill, known as the One Flag for All Act, will make it illegal to fly, drape or display any flag other than the American flag on federal buildings or properties, with limited exceptions. His bill is a response to the Biden administration’s decision to fly the pride flag more prominently than the American flag over the weekend during a gay pride celebration at the White House.

“This is a disgrace,” the Kansas senator tweeted at the time. “Not only is it in breach of US Flag Code, but it’s a glaring example of this White House’s incompetence and insistence on putting their social agenda ahead of patriotism.”


“It’s a sad state of affairs when the White House prioritizes their radical social agenda over patriotism,” Marshall told Fox News Digital. “The American flag stands for liberty and justice for ALL and should never be undermined by anyone, especially the President of the United States.”

“Old Glory must reign supreme as a symbol of our nation’s freedom that thousands of our servicemembers, and veterans have fought and died to protect,” he added. “The One Flag For All Act ensures that the American Flag never gets sidelined for culture wars and political points and remains the sole symbol of our nation’s freedom and sacrifices.” 

The bill includes several exceptions, including flags that represent the nation of a visiting diplomat, flags representing the state of a member of Congress, the POW/MIA flag at military installations and others.

When Marshall tweeted out his criticism of the White House decision to fly a pride flag, a Twitter community note was added to the post to explain that the flag code was not being violated. But several political figures on social media agreed with the premise of Marshall’s criticism.

“Biden Admin continues to push their ‘woke’ trans agenda with a new ‘Pride Month Display’ which could not only violate US law, it is offensive and shows complete disrespect for the flag so many of my brothers and sisters in uniform fought and died for,” tweeted Tulsi Gabbard, the.former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate.


“We have a duty… [to stand] up in defense of this country instead of a radical Leftist ideology that results in a pride flag being hung at the same level as the US flag on the front of the White House,” Republican Rep. Chip Roy, of Texas, posted on Twitter Wednesday. 

“This is DISGRACEFUL,” political commentator and former Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Chad Prather tweeted. “Why is the AMERICAN flag surrounding the pride flag?? This nonsense has to end!!!””

On a related point, the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday advanced legislation that would restrict the kinds of flags that are allowed to fly on Department of Veterans Affairs properties. That followed a June 6 letter from several Republicans who warned that pride flags are being flown at VA facilities “at the expense of other traditional flags… such as the American flag, whose Stars and Stripes represent all Americans.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital.