EXCLUSIVE: Boebert introduces new impeachment articles against Biden over border crisis

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on claims that he mishandled his “constitutional duty to secure our southern border.”

“I introduced the articles of impeachment in the last Congress and had fully intended to introduce them this Congress, but I was also giving some other committees and leadership the opportunity to lead on this,” Boebert told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview Tuesday.

While the congresswoman is giving others the opportunity to act, Boebert warned that if leadership does not “actually do something about the president’s failure to secure our southern border and keep the country safe” then she will introduce the impeachment legislation under a privileged motion.

“It’s about Joe Biden’s failure to secure the southern border,” Boebert told Fox News Digital. “And I did this so at any time, if the committees and or leadership does not step up and actually do something about the president’s failure to secure our southern border and keep the country safe, then I will call my legislation my articles of impeachment for a privileged motion.”


Boebert explained what her impeachment process would look like if she decides to call her impeachment legislation.

“Under Rule IX in the House, we can bring up certain pieces of legislation under a privileged motion. So I would go to the House floor and call up my articles of impeachment and read it in its entirety. And at that point, leadership has a maximum of two days to respond and see if it’s going to be sent to committee or a vote on the articles themselves,” Boebert told Fox.


Boebert also cosponsored her Tennessee GOP colleague Rep. Andy Ogles’ articles of impeachment against the president and Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday.

“I support any article of impeachment that is filed that qualifies Joe Biden for impeachment under our Constitution,” Boebert said Tuesday. “So I’m happy to be a co-sponsor of Andy Ogles articles of impeachment.”

The congresswoman urged Republicans to use their majority to take immediate action against the Biden administration.

“Given the severity of the violation of Joe Biden’s constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of the president, United States to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, this is something that we must do with our majorities in the House of Representatives,” Boebert stressed. “This is our duty because Joe Biden has neglected the constitutional duty of the office of president of the United States.”