Depression, anxiety rise among new moms amidst COVID-19 pandemic: Study

Men have 30 pc higher risk of dying from COVID-19 than women: Study


The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk of depression and anxiety in new moms, according to a study that says one in seven women already struggles with these mental illness symptoms in the perinatal period. According to the research, published in the journal Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, the likelihood of maternal depression and anxiety has substantially increased during the pandemic. “The social and physical isolation measures that are critically needed to reduce the spread of the virus are taking a toll on the physical and mental health of many of us,” said Margie Davenport, study co-author from the University of Alberta in Canada.

For new moms, the scientists said, these stresses come with side effects. “We know that experiencing depression and anxiety during pregnancy and the postpartum period can have detrimental effects on the mental and physical health of both mother and baby that can persist for years,” Davenport explained. Such effects, according to the researchers, can include premature delivery, reduced mother-infant bonding, and developmental delays in infants. The study surveyed 900 women 520 of whom were pregnant and 380 of whom had given birth in the past year and asked about their depression and anxiety symptoms before and during the pandemic. Before the pandemic began, the scientists said 29 percent of those women experienced moderate to high anxiety symptoms, and 15 percent experienced depressive symptoms. During the pandemic, these numbers have increased with 72 percent experiencing anxiety and 41 percent dealing with depression, the study noted.

Since the lockdown measures have affected daily routines and access to gyms, the scientists also asked women whether their exercise habits have changed. Of the women surveyed, 64 percent said they reduced their physical activity since the pandemic began, while 15 percent reported that they increased and 21 percent experienced no change. The researchers believe that limited physical activity may have resulted in an uptick in depressive symptoms. According to the study, women who engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week had significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The scientists cautioned that the findings are limited since they could not survey women before the pandemic began, and the women surveyed could only offer their pre-pandemic symptoms in hindsight. While the study was specifically interested in the impact of COVID-19 on new moms, Davenport said maternal mental health is a critical issue no matter the time. “Even when we are not in a global pandemic, many pregnant and postpartum women frequently feel isolated whether due to being hospitalized, not having family or friends around, or other reasons,” she said.

“It is critical to increasing awareness of the impact of social isolation on the mental health of pregnant and postpartum women,” Davenport added.