DA Exclusive: Early trends show Biden edge over Trump

Biden admin rolls back Trump-era citizenship test, reverts to 2008 version

By Aditya Vikram Singh:

In run-up to the Presidential elections of the United States of America, the outgoing US President Donald Trump has begun making all out efforts to ensure his return to the Oval office.

Peeved against former US Vice President and Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden, Trump has been making all out efforts to win the presidential elections. Although US has history of repeating its President for second term, but Donald Trump doesn’t seem to be lucky enough to make a return to the Oval office.

This time round, Trump’s journey to the Capital Hill, looks all difficult. His high anti-China rhetorics in the immediate aftermath of Covid-19, that has ostensibly shadowed the US Presidential polls, don’t seem to be helping him or yielding him any result or benefits.

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Of late, Donald Trump has set out on campaign blitz in bid to close polling gap with his Democratic Party rival Joe Biden. Trump is also set to hold series of rallies ever day until Thursday’s debate.  However, both Trump and Biden, have been trying their best to woo early voters in their favor and appease the public.

But the early trends have exhibited that the former US Vice President Joe Biden has an edge over the current President Donald Trump for various factors. As per initial reports, and inputs, quoting sources in US,  Democrats hold a significant advantage in early voting, largely driven by mail balloting, as per a University of Florida study projection on the current Presidential election.

According to reports, the outgoing US President Donald Trump is not just lagging behind Biden in national and background opinion polls but also the latest figures from his campaign trail show, Trump trails in fundraising, as the race for the US Presidential poll intensifies.

A campaign manager of Joe Biden, said, ”We can’t become complacent, because national figues could be misleading, as the must-win States are quite close, and the very searing truth is that Donald Trump can still win the race.”

As the race for the White House has intensified, both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been making their last ditch efforts to influence the public through their speeches, campaign trail and rallies besides fundraising events, organized in different parts of the USA by their respective campaign managers.

Besides, Donald Trump’s anti-China and anti-Muslum rhetorics, which he persistently made in the wake of corronavirus outbreak have also caused huge damage to hin, minimising his electoral prospects, as compared to his arch rival Democratic Party’s Joe Biden who has time and  again appeased to China and Muslims both, promising them better treatment if he got elected to the Oval office. In the wake of his persistent remarks and rhetorics against China and Muslims, Trump’s image has dented in a big way,  emphasized a US expert who also mentioned that for most of his period of presidency, Trump advocated and worked for an ‘America First’ policy, which won him more distractors than supporters, thereby causing dissatiction. Even the common public within US don’t seem to have bought his idea of ‘America First’. His persistent remarks against China and Muslims in general have antagonised large chunks of Chinese and Muslims, settled in US.

For the outbreak of coronavirus/covid19, Trump continuously squarely blamed China, accusing that country as the source of the outbreak of coronavirus, and spreading the pandemic in US and most of the Europe. Trump also accused the WHO for being in connivance with China, he however took little action on the ground either against China or the WHO, whom Trump threatened and warned of withdrawal of the financial aid and funds that the USA provided to the WHO.

Significantly, Trump’s failure to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and control the pandemic back home within US, was also a major cause of dissatisfaction among Americans, who had to bear the brunt of covid -19 pandemic.

As Trump seeks a second term, he faces a country, struggling with challenges from the still spreading coronavirus and the pandemic’s economic aftershocks, and an electorate that will weigh his record from his four years of office. Trump promises to bring back the economy, boost jobs, protect US trade interests, and promises other reforms.