CPI(M) slams Shah’s statement on Hindi

Amit Shah holds colourful roadshow in Bengal's Kharagpur

New Delhi:

Any attempt to impose one language will lead to disruption of the country’s unity, the CPI(M) said on Sunday criticising Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s comments on Hindi.

Shah’s statement that “Hindi should be treated as the national language runs contrary to the spirit of the Indian Constitution and our country’s linguistic diversity,” the Left party said.

“All languages listed in the Eight Schedule of the Constitution are national languages and must be treated equally. Any attempt to impose any one language will lead to the disruption of our country’s unity and integrity,” it said in a statement.

Speaking on Hindi Divas, Shah on Saturday pitched for Hindi as a common language, asserting it can unite the nation as it is spoken the most in the country.

“The Politburo of the CPI(M) strongly opposes these efforts which stem from the RSS conception of one nation, one culture, one language,” it said.