Corbett, Rajaji to remain open throughout year


Corbett and Rajaji tiger reserves in Uttarakhand will now remain open for visitors throughout the year, state Forest and Environment Minister Harak Singh Rawat said on Friday.

The two tiger reserves located in Nainital and Haridwar districts respectively remain closed to visitors every year from June 30 to mid-November.

The decision to keep the two tiger reserves open round the year was taken after a discussion with the forest department top brass, Rawat said.

He said opening the two tiger reserves throughout the year is part of plans to boost the department’s income hit hard by the Covid pandemic over the last one and half years.

The purpose is to open eco-tourism zones for wildlife lovers and provide more livelihood options in the time of the Covid pandemic, the minister added.

However, wildlife activists feel the decision is not good for animals as monsoon is the breeding time for them and the crowd of visitors may be disturbing for them.

It may even lead to man-animal conflict situations, they warned.

Chief Wildlife Warden J S Suhag said though the reserves will now be open throughout the year, visitors will be allowed only into areas which are easily accessible and where animal life is not threatened.